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Getting Started with Python
Basics of Python
Functions, Tuples, Dictionaries and multiple return values
Python String Fromating
Problem Solving using Python PPT
Getting Started with Python PPT
Introduction to Python PPT
Standard Data types in Python PPT
Operators in Python PPT
Conditional Statements PPT
Control Statements in Python PPT
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Distributed System-I
Distributed System-II
Factorial using RPC
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DSFL Index
Manual Format
Basic Data Types in C
Decision Statements
Control Statements
Break-Continue-goto Statements
Functions in C
Structures in C
Functions in C
Pointers in C
Linear Search and Binary Search PPT
Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort and Selection Sort
Merge Sort PPT
Quick Sort PT
Dynamic Memory Allocation PPT
Linked List PPT
Queue PPT
Stack ADT
Infix to Postfix conversion and Evaluation
Stack Conversions
Reversing a string and Decimal to Binary conversion using Stack
Tree terminologies and Binary Tree
Binary Search Tree
Inorder Tree Traversals
Preorder Tree Traversals
Postorder Tree Traversals
Binary Search Tree Constructions
File Handling PPT
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Program to find Class and to display Mask of given IP address
Study of some network related commands
Study of different types of cables – CAT 5, CAT 6 with their specifications comparisons
Program to find Class and to display Mask of given IP address.
DCL Index
Manual Format
Program to check enter IP address is valid IP or not.
Study of Network Connecting Devices. Such As Repeater, Switch/HUB, Router
Implementation of Internet checksum
To study of crimping tool, color coding of Network cables, crimping the cable using Crimping Tool & Test the crimping by interconnecting two computers
To Study of concept of LAN & Shared resources, Interconnect computers in LAN, Share and make the use of shared resources.
Implementation of Cyclic Redundancy Check using modulo-2 division method.
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Develop and demonstrate a XHTML document that illustrates the use external style sheet, ordered list, table, borders, padding, color, and the <span> tag.
Develop and demonstrate an XHTML file that includes Javascript for fibonacci series
Develop and demonstrate an XHTML file that includes Javascript script that uses functions reverse a number and string function
Develop and demonstrate, using Javascript script, an XHTML document for USN Number and for current semester
Ruby Manual
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Introduction to OS, Introduction to System Programs
OS Components
Introduction to Process, Cooperating Processes, Threads and Multithreading
Non-Preemptive Algorithms | FCPS | SJF | LJF
Preemptive Scheduling Algorithms
Non-Preemptive Examples
SJF | LJF | RR | Priority Algorithms | Preemptive Algorithm
Round Robin
Inter Process Communication PPT
Process Synchronization PPT
Inter Process Communication
Semaphore and Solutions
Deadlock PPT
Deadlock | RAG | Deadlock Prevention
Deadlock Avoidance | Deadlock Detection | Bankers Algorithm
Contiguous Memory Allocation
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Introduction to OOP's
How to Compile C++ and Java Program
Introduction to Classes and Objects
Classes and Objects
Introduction to Constructors
Multiple Constructors and Destructors
Function Overloading
Single Inheritance
Multilevel Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance, Hierarchical and Hybrid Inheritance
Standard Template Libraries
Containers-Stack and Queue
File Handling in C++
Exception Handling in C++
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Structural Modeling | Class Diagram | Object Diagram | Deployment Diagram
Use Case Diagrams
Software Metrics | Functional Point Analysis
COCOMO Model's